Category Archives: flooring for labs
ESD versus Non-ESD Flooring for Labs
When it comes to choosing flooring for labs, there are many elements to consider. For example, the type of lab and work being done is a significant consideration. Laboratories and clean rooms have strict guidelines concerning the cleanliness and operations within the room. Whereas a salon or educational environment will have leaner guidelines. Here at […]
Checklist for Replacing Your Laboratory Flooring
If you work in or manage, a clinical setting, you understand how vital laboratory flooring is. With long days standing and moving about, the proper flooring can provide much-needed relief to your feet and back. Further elements to consider could also be the possibility of spills, or even damaging static. Whatever your atmosphere may be, […]
The Perfect Lab Flooring for Your Clean Room
A clean room defined is a space of particular standards utilized particularly for laboratory work. However, clean rooms can also be used when making precision parts for electronics or the aerospace industries. These spaces are designed to maintain low levels of foreign elements like dust, airborne organisms, or vaporized particles. Typically, they […]
Why Proper Flooring for Laboratories is Imperative
There are several industries in the United States that risk is an everyday part of the job. With the innovations of today that are ever evolving, a variety of products have become available to keep employees at the safest level possible. Although there are many areas of labs that one can think of when it […]
Also posted in clean room flooring, cleanroom flooring, floating floors, flooring for laboratories, FreeStyle, Lab flooring, laboratory flooring, SelecTech
Tagged floor for labs, flooring flor labs, flooring for laboratories, flooring for labs, floorings for labs, FreeStyle, lab flooring, laboratory flooring, SelecTec
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Laboratory Flooring Ergonomics
Every day many job environments put employees at potential risk for injury. Depending on the work environment, there can be several things to help reduce these risks. Ergonomics is the study of these risks and how to eliminate, or at least decrease, the risk of injury at work. FreeStyle has taken into consideration these risks […]