These days, it seems like the push for sustainable solutions is making its way across all industries. From Starbucks eliminating straws to plastic bags being banned in entire cities, environmental consciousness is at the forefront of many organizations. Being environmentally friendly is a goal for most organizations. We can help you achieve that goal with our sustainable flooring for schools. Luckily, flooring professionals here at SelecTech have been using sustainable flooring for a while now. We strive to provide our clients with premier quality, durable product, all while encouraging more mindfulness for the environment.
Recycled Content
We start by creating FreeStyle flooring from recycled content, keeping in mind the amount of waste the flooring industry produces. At SelecTech, we make an effort to always recycle our waste back into production. Installation of this type of floor also eliminates emissions generated from generic solvents and adhesives. Combined with the MAS Green certification the flooring receives, which the VOC emissions are minimal. If your building is looking to become LEED certified, using this product can help you earn points to get there.
Healthier YOU
In addition to “saving the planet” by minimizing necessary resources, using environmentally friendly and sustainable products can aid in overall health. FreeStyle floating flooring exposes you to fewer emissions, both from volatile organic compounds (VOC) and solvents like adhesives used in general flooring installation. Cleaner air in your building can reduce respiratory problems like coughing and sneezing, as well as reduce the presence of allergens.
If you are redesigning your space from scratch, there are other steps you can take besides installing our FreeStyle flooring. Using paints with low VOC and a high-efficiency HVAC system can all reduce the number of environmental resources you use.
Professionals at SelecTech are dedicated to providing you with a long-lasting, sustainable flooring for schools, designed with the planet in mind. For more information, give us a call at 508-583-3200.