If you work in or manage, a clinical setting, you understand how vital laboratory flooring is. With long days standing and moving about, the proper flooring can provide much-needed relief to your feet and back. Further elements to consider could also be the possibility of spills, or even damaging static. Whatever your atmosphere may be, at SelecTech, we take your flooring seriously. Thus, before a job ever begins, we’ll be sure to uncover all needs and obstacles, ensuring you the best possible solution. This article will highlight a few of the questions you should be prepared for when considering replacing your lab flooring.
What Does Your Laboratory Require?
Although this question may seem open-ended, it’s meant to get you thinking. Because each lab is unique in its needs and requirements, selecting the proper flooring is imperative. For instance, do you require slip resistance? Or how about comfort, ergonomic, or anti-fatigue properties? Both of these characteristics can make your lab a safer and more productive environment. By reducing the chances of a standing related injury, you are ensuring your employees a workplace that could help with staff retention. Other considerations you may want to consider are chemical resistance and VOC requirements.
What Is the Overall Aesthetics?
Although the appearance of your lab may not be top of mind, it is still a factor when choosing lab flooring. Especially if you’re working closely with an architect. In particular, the subject of color is a hot topic. Light or dark, solid or mixed, the flooring you choose will set an overall tone for your space.
Installation and Maintenance
Whether you’re looking to lay down a new floor or replace an existing, what lies underneath is a significant factor. Before the job can begin, there are several elements to be examined with the subfloor. For instance, is your flooring going over concrete? If so, has the recommended time frame past, eliminating potential moisture issues? If there is existing flooring, have you tested for asbestos? Is installation occurring over the existing floor, or are you considering removing it?
Further, what commitment are you willing to make to keep your laboratory at its needed cleanliness level? Some flooring is more resistant to dust and dirt than others. Similarly, some flooring choices may require more maintenance than others. Thus, in a clean room setting, choosing a floor that is resilient while maintaining ideal conditions is key.
Now that you have a general idea of questions you should prepare for, you’re ready to contact SelecTech. Experts in interlocking ESD flooring, we can help bring your clean room to an optimal state. For a full checklist on replacing your laboratory flooring, visit our eBook online or call us at (508) 583-3200.